The latest Ubuntu is here! And to be honest, it’s a really interesting release full of new features. So, let’s check it out.
A little bit about Ubuntu
Ubuntu is a popular Linux-based operating system. It is free to download and use. Ubuntu is used by millions of people around the world.
Ubuntu is based on the Debian operating system. Debian is a free and open-source operating system. Ubuntu is developed by Canonical, a company founded by Mark Shuttleworth.
Canonical releases a new version of Ubuntu every six months. The most recent version is 22.04, which was released in April 2022. A Long Term Support (LTS) version is released every two years and receives five years of support from Canonical. The current LTS version is 22.04, which was released in April 2022 and will be supported until April 2027.
Ubuntu is available in two flavors: Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server. Ubuntu Desktop is designed for desktop and laptop computers. It comes with a graphical user interface (GUI) based on Gnome. On the other hand, Ubuntu Server is designed for servers and can be installed without a GUI. Ubuntu Desktop comes with several applications pre-installed, including a web browser, an office suite, media players, and more. Depending on the selected type of installation pre-installed software may vary. Ubuntu Server does not come with any pre-installed applications (just the base system) but there are many available for installation from the Ubuntu software repositories.
What are the new features of 22.04?
Ubuntu 22.04 was released on April 21 2022 and it is a Long Term Support (LTS) release. Ubuntu 22.04 will be supported for three years until April 2027.
Some of the new features in Ubuntu 22.04 include:
– As usual, Ubuntu 22.04 coming with new wallpapers.
– In previous versions of Ubuntu dock was stylized to Unity style, but here in 22.04, it’s more like the default Gnome one.
– 22.04 uses Wayland as the default display server if you are not an Nvidia user.
– New LTS comes with a brand new logo.
– Better support for Raspberry Pi.
If you are upgrading from a previous version of Ubuntu, all your settings, files, and applications will be preserved.
Thoughts on Ubuntu 22.04
I’ve been using Ubuntu 22.04 for the past few days, and I’m impressed with it. It’s a very solid distro and it’s worth checking out if you’re looking for a new Linux OS to use.
One of the things that I like about this distro is that it’s very user-friendly. It’s easy to use and it comes with a lot of handy features that make it perfect for beginners.
Another thing that I like about Ubuntu 22.04 is that it’s very stable. I haven’t had any issues with it so far and it seems like it will be a great option for those who want a reliable Linux OS.
Overall, I’m really happy with the new LTS distro. It’s a great option for anyone who is looking for a new Linux distro to try out. Give it a shot and you won’t be disappointed!
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is a great example of how the Ubuntu team is constantly working to improve the user experience. The new features in this release, combined with the rock-solid stability and performance, make it one of the best Linux distributions available today. If you’re looking for a reliable and easy-to-use Linux distro for your desktop or server, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS should be at the top of your list.