Ubuntu 23.04 : A Sneak Peek into Its Features

The Ubuntu community eagerly awaits the release of the upcoming Ubuntu 23.04 ‘Lunar Lobster’ on April 20, 2023. This non-LTS (Long-Term Support) release will introduce new features and improvements that aim to enhance the user experience. In this article, we’ll take a sneak peek into the new features and software updates that users can expect … Read more

Dash to Panel – Superb Gnome Extension for Fedora 37

If you are a Fedora user, chances are you are already familiar with the Gnome desktop environment. Gnome is a user-friendly, modern, and popular desktop environment. Gnome has a sleek and clean interface, and it is highly customizable. One of the best ways to customize Gnome is by installing extensions. Today we’ll be talking about … Read more

Linux for gaming: the ultimate setup guide

Linux is a powerful and versatile operating system that has gained a strong following among gamers in recent years. While it may not have the same mainstream appeal as Windows, Linux offers several advantages for gaming, including lower system requirements, better performance, and a more secure platform. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide … Read more

Gnome Boxes – Easy Way to Run a Virtual machine

Gnome Boxes is a virtualization tool for the GNOME desktop environment. It allows users to run virtual machines within a GNOME desktop and supports a variety of popular guest operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and various Linux distributions. In today’s article, we’ll take a look at what Boxes are, how it works, and some of … Read more

Get Maximum Performance with GameMode on Linux

This article will cover a guide on using GameMode, a free and open-source command line utility you can use to improve the performance of games in Linux. The utility works with native Linux games as well as with Windows games running in Linux using Wine or Steam’s Proton compatibility layers. GameMode and its features? GameMode … Read more

Most popular Linux distros according to Distrowatch

Distrowatch is a website that tracks Linux distributions and provides information and reviews. Today, we’ll check the most popular Linux distros list from DistroWatch.com and tell you more about them. We’ll also give you our opinion on which one is the best. Which Linux distribution is the best one? To be clear, there is no … Read more

Bored with Chrome OS? Try GalliumOS

Bored with Chrome OS? Tired of having a limited operating system on your Chromebook? Then you might want to try Gallium OS. GalliumOS is a Linux distribution for ChromeOS devices, designed to offer a more traditional, user-friendly Linux experience. GalliumOS includes many performance, battery life, and security improvements, as well as a wide variety of … Read more