How to Run a Terraria Server on Linux: A Comprehensive Guide

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Everyone seems to be playing Terraria these days, and why wouldn’t they? It’s a beautiful game with endless possibilities. But have you ever thought about running a Terraria server on Linux? The process might seem daunting, but with a little bit of dedication, you can have your fraction of Terraria’s world right at your fingertips. Let’s get started!

Why Choose Linux for Your Terraria Server?

Before we dive into the setup process, it’s important to ponder why Linux is a perfect option for a Terraria server. Linux, unlike other operating systems, is open-source, which grants users unbounded freedom and flexibility. This one feature alone makes it a desirable choice for running a game server. Yet, Linux compatibility with Terraria is not commonly known, and this guide aims to change that.

Preparing Your Linux Environment

Before anything else, you will need to prepare your Linux environment for Terraria. Make sure your server is fully updated by running the following commands:

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sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade

Downloading and Installing Terraria on Linux

Next comes the step of obtaining Terraria and installing it on your server. Thankfully, obtaining the server files for Terraria is as easy as downloading them directly from the Terraria website:


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Once downloaded, unzip the files, navigate to the appropriate directory, and grant executable permissions:

unzip cd terraria-server-1405 chmod +x TerrariaServer

Setting Up Your Terraria Server

When you’ve installed Terraria, it’s high time to set up your server:

./TerrariaServer -x64 -config serverconfig.txt

And voila! You have just created your Terraria server. From here, you can begin to customize your world and start inviting friends to play.


Congrats! Now, you know how to run a Terraria server on Linux. It’s a straightforward process once you’re familiar with it, but like any other game server, there’s always more to learn and explore.

This guide aims to help you get started with the essential knowledge and resources to run Terraria on Linux. We hope it was valuable, and guides you towards many hours of enjoyably managing your Terraria server and shaping your game world. Happy gaming!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this walkthrough on how to set up a Terraria server on Linux. If you follow these steps closely, you should be able to get your server up and running in no time. Be sure you understand the commands you’re executing, as a mistake may be tough to revert. Happy terraforming!

Always remember, that running a game server is not just about setting it up. You need to continuously monitor its performance, ensure its security, and manage the gamers’ experience that they enjoy playing in your world. So keep brushing up your Linux skills! The more you know, the smoother your gaming experience will be on a Linux server.

Your gaming memories are just waiting to be made. So get started today. Happy gaming!


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