Install Winetricks on Debian – It’s Easy!

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In the world of open-source operating systems, Debian has been a long-time favorite for both personal and business users. Known for its robustness, reliability, and extensive software libraries, it’s a strong contender for any tech enthusiast. One such feature-rich software library popular among Debian users is ‘Winetricks’. This blog post aims to guide you through an easy peasy tutorial on how to install winetricks on Debian. So let’s dive in!

What is Winetricks?

Just before we delve into the installation process, let’s have a brief look at what Winetricks really is. Winetricks is a helper script that enables users to install various applications and games on a Win32 platform using Wine, the Microsoft Windows software emulator.

Winetricks acts as a smart tool for downloading essential runtime libraries that many Windows programs need to run properly on Debian. It runs beautifully with Wine, making Windows software more available to Linus users.

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Getting Your Debian System Ready

Before we begin with the installation process, a few preparatory steps need to be executed on your Debian system.

Firstly, we must ensure that the system is up-to-date. Execute the following command to start the process:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

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By doing this, your Debian system updates and upgrades all the packages installed, ensuring the latest patches and fixes are in place.

Installing Wine on Debian

As Winetricks is based on Wine, it is essential to have Wine installed on your Debian system first before starting your journey with Winetricks. Type the subsequent set of commands in the terminal to install Wine:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt updatesudo apt install wine wine32 wine64

After the installation process completes, you can confirm the successful installation by typing this command:

wine --version

Step-by-Step Installation of Winetricks on Debian

Now that we have a functional Wine environment, we can proceed to install the main course — Winetricks. Follow these simple steps:

  1. First, download the script from the Github repository using the following wget command:


  1. The above method downloads the script to your current directory. To make it accessible system-wide, move it to /usr/local/bin directory and mark it executable with this command:

sudo mv winetricks /usr/local/binsudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/winetricks

  1. To ensure sure Winetricks is successfully installed and working, type:

winetricks --version

You’re all set! Winetricks is now installed successfully on your Debian system.

You are done!

Installing Winetricks on Debian might seem like a complex task, but in reality, it’s straightforward and takes very less time. With this guide, you are now armed with the knowledge necessary to install and use Winetricks on your Debian system. Now, you can enjoy all your favourite Windows applications right on your trusted Debian system.

So go ahead, command your Debian to ‘install Winetricks’ and relish the powerful combination!


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