Installing WordOps on VPS: Your Ultimate Guide

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If you’re looking for a fast and efficient way to manage your WordPress sites on a Virtual Private Server (VPS), then WordOps is the perfect solution for you. It’s a powerful, yet easy-to-use tool that automates the installation and management of the LEMP stack on your VPS, providing you with a lightning-fast and secure environment to host your WordPress sites.

Why choose WordOps for your VPS management?

WordOps has become increasingly popular among web developers and freelancers who run multiple WordPress sites on their VPS. It is known for its fast, secure, and easy-to-use interface, making it an ideal choice for those who want to optimize their web server and enhance the performance of their WordPress sites.

Pre-requisites for Installing WordOps on VPS

Before installing WordOps, ensure the following things:

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  • A clean VPS (you can get one here for really good price) running on Ubuntu 18.04.x up to 22.04 or Debian 10 or 11
  • A non-root user with sudo privileges
  • A FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)
  • Basic knowledge of the command line interface

Step-by-step Guide to Install WordOps on VPS

There are several steps involved in installing WordOps on your server. These are as follows:

Step 1 – Update the Operating System

The first step is to ensure that your operating system is up to date. Run the following command to update your server:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 2 – Install Required Packages

After updating the system, it’s time to install the necessary packages required for WordOps to work. Copy and paste the following command and press Enter.

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sudo apt-get install curl git python3-pip python3-dev python3-venv apt-transport-https dirmngr -y 

Step 3 – Install WordOps

Next, it’s time to install WordOps on your virtual private server. Run the following command:

wget -qO wo && sudo bash wo

Step 4 – Create a New Site

Once you’ve successfully installed WordOps, it’s time to create a new site. Run the following command:

sudo wo site create --wp

You can replace “” with your own website domain name. The WordPress site can be created with or without SSL.

Step 5 – Access WordOps Dashboard

After setting up your website, you can now access the WordOps dashboard by running this command:

wo site WordPress info 

Enter the WordPress username and the password, and you’re good to go!

A person typing on a keyboard with a laptop showing the fresh installation of WordPress using WordOps

Installing WordOps on VPS is really simple

Most important WordOps commands

Mastering WordOps is essential for efficiently managing your WordPress sites. In this section, we will outline the most important WordOps commands you need to know. These commands cover everything from creating and updating websites to managing SSL certificates and maintaining your server. With this guide, you’ll have a solid foundation to utilize the full potential of WordOps and streamline your WordPress management experience.

  1. wo update: Updates WordOps to the latest version.
  2. wo stack install --all: Installs all available stacks, including Nginx, PHP, MySQL, and other utilities.
  3. wo site create --wp: Creates a new WordPress site with the domain
  4. wo site delete Deletes a WordPress site and its associated files and database.
  5. wo site update --php74: Updates PHP version for a specific site.
  6. wo site edit Opens the Nginx configuration file for the specified site in a text editor.
  7. wo stack status: Displays the status of installed stacks and services.
  8. wo stack upgrade: Upgrades installed stacks and services to their latest versions.
  9. wo stack purge --all: Removes all installed stacks and associated configuration files.
  10. wo maintenance: Runs maintenance tasks such as cleaning up old files and optimizing the WordOps database.
  11. wo secure --auth: Sets up basic authentication for WordOps backend (i.e., WordOps dashboard, phpMyAdmin, etc.).
  12. wo clean: Cleans up log files, orphaned packages, and caches to free up disk space.
  13. wo ssl issue Issues a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate for the specified site.
  14. wo ssl renew --all: Renews all installed SSL certificates.
  15. wo site list: Lists all the websites managed by WordOps on the server.


If you’re looking for a reliable, fast, and easy-to-use tool to manage your WordPress sites on VPS, WordOps is the perfect solution. With the step-by-step installation guide we provided, you can easily install WordOps and manage your WordPress sites like a pro.


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