How to uninstall Rhythmbox in Ubuntu 18.04

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Rhytmbox is a music player for GNOME. It was created by Jorn Baayen in 2003. There are a few music players for Windows with a similar interface to Rhytmbox, but none that are exactly the same. Some popular options include Foobar2000, Winamp, and MediaMonkey.

In this article we’ll take look on how to uninstall Rhytmbox in Ubuntu 18.04 (or other Ubuntu versions) and also check some alernatives to play music on your Linux PC. To do so, use these steps:

Open the Ubuntu Software application and search for Rhythmbox. Click the remove button next to the application.

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Or you can also use terminal command:

sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove rhythmbox 

Top 5 Apliacations to use after you uninstall Rhythmbox

1. Clementine

Celemntine is a cross-platform music player with many features. It’s open source and free, and has support for a wide range of audio formats. This is a great canditete if you wish to uninstall Rhythmbox in Ubuntu 18.04.

2. Banshee

Banshee is another open source music player with support for many audio formats. It has a clean interface and is easy to use.

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3. Amarok

Amarok is a music player for Linux and Unix systems. It has a clean interface and is easy to use.

4. gmusicbrowser

gmusicbrowser is a music player for Linux and Unix systems. It has a clean interface and is easy to use.

5. VLC media player

VLC is a media player for Linux and Unix systems. It supports a wide range of audio and video formats.

Why not to use and uninstall Rhythmbox in Ubuntu 18.04?

There are a few reasons why you might not want to use Rhythmbox on Ubuntu 18.04. One reason is that it is not the most popular music player available for Ubuntu. Another reason is that it does not have some of the features that other music players have, such as the ability to create playlists.

Still using Ubuntu 18.04? Check out new version in Virtual machine before update!


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